Requests for special prayers are frequently made at the Monastery by the Buddhist community. They are made for various occasions such as blessings for new residential or business premises, weddings, birthdays and for dedication of merits to the deceased who just passed away or during his memorial service.

The Special Prayers conducted may involve chanting of these suttas:

- Amitabha Buddha Sutra
- The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisttva Sutra
- The Diamond Sutra

For the more elaborate merit dedication ceremonies, these may be conducted:

- Special prayer ceremony for the Transference of Merits to Departed Beloved & Petas
- Special prayer ceremony based on the Repentance of Emperor Liang

For more details, please contact the Monastery Admin Office at:6253 3532, 6253 8346, 6253 1423



Regular prayer services on every Sunday, 10.30 am



Blessing puja on every Sunday, 2.15 pm

Weekly dharma talk on every Sunday, 1.00 pm

8-precept retreat, 2-day one night during Vesak and
Amitabha Buddha’ birthday celebrations


"Ran Xiang" 燃香 during Vesak celebration


Lights of Hope - a charity event

Lunar New Year’s Eve prayer, 9.00 pm



Qing Ming and Ullambana Remembrance Festivals


Vesak Day Celebration – transference of lights

The Yogacara Ulka-mukha (Puja) Dharma Service